Kenneth W. Park

A curator, presenter, fund-raiser, tour leader and writer, who has visited well over 150 countries.



Kenneth W. Park is a curator, presenter, fund-raiser, tour leader and writer. Over the years, Kenneth has been involved with many travel companies, arts/cultural organizations and professional associations. During his career, he has lectured at every state art gallery in Australia. Kenneth’s strong professional and personal interest and clear love of culture, art and architectural history is reflected through longstanding and regular lecturing and tour leading commitments.

An inveterate traveller who has visited well over 150 countries, Kenneth enjoys the journey as much as the destination. He thrives on exploring new destinations, but also enjoys revisiting old and familiar places, as with each new trip he discovers different ways of looking and appreciating much loved cultural landmarks and treasures. When on tour, Kenneth takes much delight in sharing insights with his fellow travellers.

With tertiary studies in fine arts, museum studies, history and international relations, and interests in travel, food, wine, arts, architecture and history, Kenneth is undeniably an aspiring expert on ‘the good life’. He lives by the motto that ‘life is a grand tour, make the most of it’.