Frequently asked questions
Our most commonly asked questions and their answers.
Your Questions Answered
Have questions about our Online Lecture program? Our FAQs listed below cover everything from accessing a lecture to technical issues and privacy concerns.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us.
Online Lectures
An Online Lecture is a stand-alone talk, usually one hour long, presented by one of our academic experts. The topics are usually reasonably broad, and the lectures are intended as an overview for an interested, but non-expert, participant. Participants are not able to engage or interact with the lecturer.
Our online events are open to everyone – you don’t need any special qualifications to enrol. The presenter will pitch their teaching so that both beginners and well-read participants will find the sessions rewarding.
All our online lectures are presented via the Zoom platform. You will need a stable internet connection and a smartphone, tablet or PC to access an event. Zoom runs either via your internet browser or through the Zoom app. You can access the event anywhere – at home in front of the TV or when travelling.
When you enrol in an online lecture you will be sent an email containing the Zoom link for the lecture. We will also send you email reminders of when your lecture takes place.
All of our online lectures are recorded and if you have enrolled in and paid for a lecture, an email with a link to the recording will be automatically sent out to you, one-hour after the lecture takes place.
If you do not receive this email, please check your spam folder or junk mail as the email may have been intercepted by your provider’s spam filter.
All enrolments are non-refundable. Please choose carefully and ensure that you are free to attend the lecture or you are available to watch the recording within 30 days.
Under exceptional circumstances we will consider a transfer to a later lecture.
The technical quality of Zoom meetings is perfectly sufficient to conduct an enjoyable, richly illustrated educational lecture. However, it is not designed to be at the same technical level as a television broadcast or film, and you should not expect this.
You can enhance the sound and visual quality by connecting your PC or phone to your television or by using external speakers to your PC.
You can find further information about this on the Zoom website https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/categories/200101697
If there is a problem with your internet connection or device and you miss a lecture, don’t worry. You will have access to the recording for 30 days from the start time of the lecture.
If there is a technical problem at our end and a scheduled session cannot take place, we will either repeat the lecture at a later date, offer you a transfer to a similar lecture or give you a refund for the lecture you missed.
When we record online lectures, only the presenter’s sound and image and the PowerPoint slides will be shown. Your screen name and video will not be shown to any other attendees and they will not have the ability to communicate with you through chat or video.
Can’t find an answer to your question?
Get in touch below and we’ll get back to you.