Exploring the Central North

Tour the lesser-known cultural centres of northern Italy, home to some of Europe’s most extraordinary art and architecture.

tour snapshot

Tour Status: Places Available - Maximum 16


tour overview

Across the Central North of Italy, on roads where few tourists venture, lies a string of cities, towns and villages whose history, art, architecture and fine gastronomy more than rivals that of their more frequently visited neighbours.

Exploring the hidden gems of Emilia Romagna, Le Marche and Tuscany, this 19-day tour takes us from the city of Bologna through Città di Castello, Urbino and Ravenna to finish in the beautiful coastal town of Chioggia, the gateway to the Po River delta.

Led by art historian Dr Jeni Ryde, we travel through rural landscapes and hilltop towns enjoying the outstanding art and architecture of early Christian, Medieval and Renaissance monuments and the extravagant palaces and fortress castles of the region. In provincial towns and villages we’ll experience a slower pace of life where local culinary traditions are shaped by distinct microclimates, and fine local wines complement a simple and sophisticated gastronomy.


tour highlights

The aim of every Academy Travel tour is to provide a rewarding, in-depth travel experience.


your expert tour leader

Dr Jeni Ryde is a linguist and art history specialist, with over 15 years experience leading tours to Italy, Spain and France. She holds two Masters degrees in Italian Linguistics and a cross disciplinary PhD in Renaissance Art History, Tourism and Museum Management.

Read full bio >

In good hands...

In addition to your expert tour leader, you will be accompanied by a trained tour manager for the duration of the tour. Our tour managers will ensure your safety and comfort on tour, while also overseeing the behind-the-scenes logistics. Our tour managers are great travel companions who ensure your needs are well taken care of. From offering suggestions for your free time, to a lively chat at dinner or even providing space for a quiet moment of reflection, rest assured you are in good hands when travelling.

tour itinerary

Bologna (4 nights), Fiesole (3 nights), Città di Castello (3 nights), Urbino (2 nights), Ravenna (4 nights), Chioggia (2 nights)


Included meals are shown with the letters B, L and D.

  • The tour starts at 6.00pm on Tuesday 16 September, at the Art Hotel Orologio, Bologna.

    The tour ends after breakfast on Saturday 4 October, at the Hotel Grande Italia 4S, Chioggia. A coach transfer to Venice Marco Polo Airport will be available.

  • Airport transfers from Bologna Airport to our hotel in Bologna will be arranged by Academy Travel. We meet our tour leader in the hotel in the early evening for a welcome drink, followed by dinner in a local restaurant. Overnight Bologna (D)

  • A modern city with a rich past, Bologna offers the visitor a wealth of artistic and architectural treasures, yet it remains relatively undiscovered by the tourist crowds. After a talk in our hotel this morning, our guided walking tour takes us through the historic city centre, resplendent with centuries old porticoes recently awarded World Heritage status. We visit the magnificent Piazza Maggiore and 14th-century Basilica of San Petronio, before continuing to the nearby Piazza del Nettuno, dominated by Giambologna’s monumental statue of Neptune. Where the ancient Via Emilia once entered the city we see the Due Torri, two precariously leaning medieval towers which define Bologna’s skyline, then stop for a lunch break at the Quadrilatero markets, whose origins date back to the Middle Ages. In the afternoon our tour continues to the Sette Chiese, a fascinating complex of churches, chapels, courtyards and cloisters. The later afternoon is at leisure. Overnight Bologna (B)

  • Joining our coach this morning we head to the nearby town of Modena, a city which combines a rich medieval history with its status as the centre of Italian luxury car production. Our guided walking tour takes us through the historic heart of the city, visiting the World Heritage listed Romanesque cathedral and its soaring belltower, a collaborative masterpiece by the architect Lanfranco and sculptor Wiligelmo. The life of Luciano Pavarotti, one of Modena’s most famous sons, was celebrated here after his death in 2007. Our tour ends at the Albinelli Markets, where Modena’s long history of fine gastronomy still thrives. There is time to explore the markets and enjoy lunch before we visit the Enzo Ferrari Museum, a complex which combines the Ferrari founder’s original house and workshop with an ultramodern exhibition space displaying some of the company’s most influential cars. En route back to Bologna we discover how the region’s famous balsamic vinegar is made with a visit and tasting at a local producer. Returning to our hotel the evening is at leisure. Overnight Bologna (B)

  • Founded in 1088 the University of Bologna is one of Europe’s oldest and it remains a prestigious and innovative place of learning. Our walking tour takes us through some of the original university buildings including the 16th-century Archiginnasio Palace, with its long 30-arch portico and interior decorated with the familial coats-of-arms of illustrious students. Once the seat of the university the palace today houses the municipal library whose rich archives hold thousands of ancient texts and manuscripts. On the upper level of the palace we see the original, carved wooden anatomical theatre, one of the first of its kind. Our tour concludes at the nearby Church of Santa Maria della Vita and Niccolo Dell’Arca’s extraordinary Compianto Del Cristo Morto, a group of anguished terracotta figures gathered around the body of Christ, as well as the moving Transit of the Virgin by Alfonso Lombardi. The afternoon is free to explore the city at your own pace. Overnight Bologna (B)

  • An early departure this morning as we make our way to Fiesole, stopping at the hilltop Sanctuary of the Madonna di San Luca, connected to the city by a monumental 3.8km portico with 660 arches. Completed in 1723 on the site of an earlier church, the Sanctuary offers superb views back across the city. Our picturesque route continues to the town of Marzabotto, site of the ancient Etruscan settlement of Kainua. Here we visit the archaeological site and excellent museum displaying artefacts found nearby before lunch and a wine tasting at a local trattoria, whose menu is focused on fresh, seasonal dishes and locally sourced ingredients. Arriving in Fiesole, we check in before meeting for an aperitivo in the early evening. Evening at leisure. Overnight Fiesole (B, L)

  • Situated on a hillside offering panoramic views across the valley towards Florence, the history of Fiesole dates back to the Bronze Age and our walking tour this morning explores the early Etruscan and Roman origins of the town, visiting the archaeological site and museum. We head up to the 15th- century Convent of San Francesco, sitting peacefully on a hill overlooking the countryside, before a break for lunch. In the afternoon we have a guided visit of the Villa Medicea, one of the finest of the villas built for the Medici family, surrounded by gracious garden terraces. Dinner this evening is in an excellent local bistrot. Overnight Fiesole (B, D)

  • Our day trip takes us beyond Fiesole to savour some of the region’s fine wine and gastronomy. Our first visit is to the estate of the Conte Ferdinando Guicciardini in the heart of the Chianti region. The Guicciardini family have held land here for centuries and their impressive medieval castle is the centrepiece of an estate surrounded by vines and olive groves. Here we have the opportunity to try the estate’s fine DOC wine and their extra virgin olive oil before continuing to the Castello di Montegufoni. Built in the 13th century, the castle fell into sad decline before being bought in 1910 by Englishman Sir George Sitwell, father of poets Osbert, Edith and Sacheverell. The family occupied and restored the castle before selling it in the 1960s and it is now run as luxury holiday accommodation with a fine restaurant on site where we enjoy a relaxed lunch. Returning to Fiesole the evening is at leisure. Overnight Fiesole (B, L)

  • Departing Fiesole we make our way to Città di Castello, following the Vie dei Sette Ponti which winds through postcard landscapes of olive groves, vineyards and farmhouses, passing a chain of pieve or small Romanesque churches, many with exceptional artworks decorating their simple interior. In Cascia we see Masaccio’s famous San Giovenale triptych, while his younger brother Scheggia’s Annunciation is in the former Abbey of San Salvatore in Soffena. Paolo Schiavo’s fresco adorns the church of Santa Maria a Scò and the Church of San Pietro in the tiny village of Gropina reveals a magnificent pulpit and crypt. After lunch we continue to Città di Castello via the Ponte Buriano, famous as the background to da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. On arrival we check in before meeting for dinner in the hotel restaurant. Overnight Città di Castello (B, D)

  • Perched on the slopes of the Apennines, the walled town of Città di Castello has been called a Renaissance oasis in the heart of medieval Umbria with much of its historic centre built for the powerful Vitelli family who ruled the city in the 14th century. Our tour this morning explores the town’s excellent museums which showcase significant Renaissance as well as contemporary artists, before a break for lunch. In the afternoon we travel to the hilltop town of Arezzo, where our guided walking tour takes through the beautiful Piazza Grande and to the town’s important Medieval churches where we can see Piero della Francesca’s outstanding fresco cycle and Cimabue’s dynamic and moving crucifix. Returning to our hotel the evening is at leisure. Overnight Città di Castello (B)

  • Artist and mathematical theorist Piero della Francesca has become one of the most admired painters of the early Renaissance, combining a mastery of perspective with a subtle and elegant palette. Today we see more of his exceptional work including the Madonna del Parto in the village of Monterchi and the striking Resurrection in his hometown of Sansepolcro, commissioned for the communal meeting hall. After lunch we continue to the beautiful medieval town of Anghiari, deep in the Tuscan countryside. The town was the site of a significant battle between Milanese and Florentine forces in 1440, which was to have been immortalized in a grand painting by Leonardo da Vinci for the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, but only preparatory studies exist, held in the Louvre. Returning to Città di Castello the evening is at leisure. Overnight Città di Castello (B)

  • Departing Città di Castello this morning we make our way to Urbino via Gubbio, one of the largest and best-preserved medieval towns in Italy. Rising in terraces up the lower slopes of Mount Ingino and crowned by forest, many of Gubbio’s most beautiful buildings date back to its heyday in the
    1300s. Our walking tour through the medieval heart of the town includes the impressive Palazzo dei Consoli, now the civic museum, which holds the intriguing 3rd-century Iguvine tablets, inscribed in the ancient Umbrian language, and a fine collection of majolica, produced in the town from the late 15th century. After lunch we continue to Urbino with time to check in and relax before we meet this evening for dinner in our hotel. Overnight Urbino (B, D)

  • Today we explore the magnificent walled city of Urbino, which became one of Europe’s major cultural centres under the enthusiastic patronage of Federico da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino in the late 15th century. Despite its decline and political stagnation after Federico’s death, the city has preserved much of its Renaissance appearance and today our guided tour explores its World Heritage listed historic centre, including Federico’s vast ducal palace. Perched high above the city the palace is now home to the National Gallery where we can see Piero della Francesca’s outstanding Flagellation. After a break for lunch we visit the unassuming Oratory of St John the Baptist with its superb frescoes by Salimbeni, then the afternoon is free to explore Urbino at your own pace. Overnight Urbino (B)

  • We depart Urbino this morning and head north towards Ravenna. En route we stop in San Leo, a spectacular stronghold which inspired Piero della Francesca and the poet Dante. Officially designated “one of the most beautiful villages of Italy” we explore San Leo’s medieval heart before making our way to the impressive castle for views over the town and countryside. After lunch we travel to the seaside resort of Rimini visiting the Tempio Malatestiano, one of the outstanding monuments of the Italian Renaissance, designed by Leon Battista Alberti with exquisite interior relief sculptures by Agostino de Duccio. Continuing to Ravenna we pass the ancient salt pans of Cervia, now part of an ecosystem attracting many bird species. On arrival we check into our hotel, meeting in the early evening for dinner. Overnight Ravenna (B, D)

  • The seat of the Western Roman Empire, then of Byzantine Italy until the 8th century, Ravenna’s rich historic and cultural heritage blends Roman architectural forms with interiors covered in breathtaking mosaics. This morning our guided walking tour takes us to Sant’Apollinare Nuovo, the Mausoleum of Galla Placida and the Basilica of San Vitale, where we admire the sumptuous interiors which have accorded the monuments their UNESCO World Heritage status. After a break for lunch, our tour continues to the Casa dei Tappeti, a complex of buildings whose floors are entirely covered with marble mosaic “carpets”, and to the Baptistery of Neon, whose interiors moved Carl Jung to describe them as a “wonderful hallucination” when he visited. Evening at leisure. Overnight Ravenna (B)

  • Our day trip takes us to the city of Faenza, famed through the 15th and 16th centuries for its production of distinctive tin-glazed pottery also known as majolica or faience. Our guided visit to the renowned International Museum of Ceramics shows us the diversity of historic ceramic pieces gathered from across the world. Local artisans still produce beautiful ceramic pieces in both traditional and contemporary styles, displayed in galleries and shops in the town. After lunch together in a local restaurant, our city tour continues to Faenza Cathedral on the impressive Piazza della Libertà, then finishes at the tiny Romanesque Church of the Commenda, with its beautiful frescoes by Girolamo da Treviso. Returning to Ravenna the evening is at leisure. Overnight Ravenna (B, L)

  • This morning we travel the short distance to Classe, Ravenna’s small harbour town in antiquity. Here we visit the 6th-century Basilica of Sant’Apollinare, named for the first bishop and patron saint of Ravenna, martyred in Classe and thought to be buried here. One of the great basilicas of the early Christian period, the interior is filled with magnificent polychrome mosaics, including a depiction of Sant’Apollinare himself, as well as marble sarcophagi from various centuries. We visit the mighty 37-metre high cylindrical belltower, a separate 10th- century addition to the basilica, before returning to Ravenna where the afternoon is at leisure. Overnight Ravenna (B)

  • Departing Ravenna this morning we make our way to Chioggia, a delightful town on a small island at the southern entrance of the Venetian lagoon. En route we stop at the Abbey of Pomposa, a former Benedictine monastery which became one of the most influential cultural centres in medieval Italy. This imposing Romanesque structure boasts stunning frescoed interiors, inlaid mosaic floors, a massive campanile and a fine museum in what was once the monks’ dormitory. Continuing to the town of Adria, we have a break for lunch before our guided visit of the outstanding National Archaeological Museum which documents the splendour of this ancient port city. Arriving in Chioggia we check into our hotel, meeting in the early evening for dinner. Overnight Chioggia (B, D)

  • On our final morning we take a relaxed stroll around the town of Chioggia. Founded in the 2nd century BCE the town is home to one of the oldest ports in Italy, long preceding its Venetian neighbour. Once known for salt mining, the locals turned to fishing once the lagoon salt pans were exhausted and we visit the bustling quayside fish markets before making our way to the church of San Domenico, accessible via a bridge on its own island. Here we see paintings by notable Venetian artists such as Tintoretto, Carpaccio and Bassano. In the afternoon we enjoy a private boat tour, taking us through the canals and lagoon, before our farewell dinner this evening at a fine local restaurant. Overnight Chioggia (B, D)

  • The tour ends after breakfast this morning. There are transfers available to Venice’s Marco Polo airport for those on late afternoon flights. (B)

  • Hotels have been selected principally for their central location.

tour booking

$13,640 AUD per person, twin share (land content only)
$3,970 AUD supplement for sole use of a hotel room

A $1,000 deposit is required per person to confirm your booking on tour. This deposit is non-refundable.

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your tour consultant

The consultant for this tour is Sharon Williams. For further information or to discuss the tour, please call 9235 0023 (Sydney) or 1800 639 699 (outside Sydney) or email sharon@academytravel.com.au

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